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Life behind bars – Ep. 5 Marius, the young man that scratched his name on his girlfriend’s forehead

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Marius Gabriel Anton is from Ploiesti and he’s 25 years old. We’ve met him in the Ploiesti penitentiary. He has been imprisoned for over 3 years for domestic violence, serving a sentence of 5.7 years.

Unlike other inmates, you are stunned by his cheerfulness. He laughs non-stop, no matter what he tells.

He hides the truth about the crime for which he was convicted. He tries to play it down and claims he didn’t do much, just hit his life partner lightly.

In reality, in an uncontrolled fit o rage, Marius scratched his name, with the knife, on his girlfriend’s forehead.

You can watch his story here:

„Life behind bars” is a video production of Incomod Newspaper made with the support of the Ploiești Penitentiary. Its purpose is to prevent antisocial acts, to inform and raise awareness.

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inchiriere apartamente in regim hotelier ploiesti

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