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VIDEO Life Behind Bars Ep. 6: Robert, the Former Football Player Whose Extravagant Lifestyle Led Him to Prison

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Robert Marian Nae is 27 years old and has been sentenced to nearly 7 years in prison. He is currently imprisoned at Ploiești Penitentiary, where he agreed to speak with us, sharing his experiences behind bars with a touch of humor.

Although he does not admit to all his actions, the court found him guilty of robbery, pampering, and driving without a license. He once had a promising career as an athlete, but his desire to flaunt and live a luxurious life led him down the wrong path.

Below, you can learn more about Robert’s story.

„Life Behind Bars” is a production by Ziarul Incomod, made with the support of Ploiești Penitentiary, with the purpose of information, awareness and prevention of antisocial acts.

Watch the other episodes of the „Life Behind Bars” series here:

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