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VIDEO Life behind bars Ep. 7: I needed money for heroin. I did time in Holland, France and Germany prisons

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Life behind bars comes today with a new story from the Ploiești Penitentiary.

In episode 7 we meet Mihai Alexandru Nicușor, convicted for theft. However, he started committing crimes to get money for drugs.

Unfortunately, heroin trapped him in a vicious circle that destroyed his life.

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Alexandru’s drama serves as a serious warning. Addiction drove him to illegal acts to get his drugs, and these actions landed him behind bars. It is a clear example of how drugs can turn a life into a tragedy.

The „Life behind bars” project is carried out in collaboration with the Ploiești Penitentiary and has an educational and awareness-raising purpose. Every person in detention has a story and deserves a chance.

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